AJ Hotz
AJ Hotz

The written word has always been close to my heart, reading it and writing it. I’m fueled by my imagination and a thrill for storytelling with a dash of decaf to keep me going. I'm also a freelance writer who specializes in narrative, expository, and technical writing.

My inspiration for fiction comes from music and my own mind, but I like to keep non-fiction in the mix as I have a healthy obsession for real life mysteries that have no real answers. In addition, I love teaching others about the innerworkings of the Internet and cybersecurity.

My debut novel Can’t Control is a blend of romance and suspense, bringing my readers through everything life gives us, including love, loss, and trauma with a happy ending, as I always look to the bright side of what life sends our way.

Before delving into fiction, I wore a different hat: I was a technical trainer, breaking down complex topics into smaller bytes. I like to believe it’s no different than telling a story in a compelling and understandable way for those who were looking to pursue Security+ certifications. To this day, you can find me browsing the likes of tech news online and listening to the CyberWire Daily.

With my love of storytelling, I crafted non-fiction articles for a podcast. I merely put this information in podcast form for those who wish to listen, and this is where my obsession for non-fiction comes alive. Currently, the podcast is on hiatus while I work on other projects.

Reading is about more than simply entertainment; we learn every time we read, regardless of the genre or context.


Shorter Post This Week A Break in The Barrenmire LightsI am adjusting the

A Break in The Barrenmire Lights

I am adjusting the dates for my next releases.

As fellow author, Jenna Barwin, once said, “There’s a clown car of characters screaming to get released from my brain, and the one yelling loudest gets released.”

I was planning on releasing the entire Barrenmire Lights collection, one after the other. However, I have an idea that has been screaming at me—screaming to get out of my head—within these last few weeks, and it’s been so loud, if you know what I mean, that...

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7 Novel Ideas The Reoccurring DreamSometimes it’s hard being an author. And

The Reoccurring Dream

Sometimes it’s hard being an author. And when I say ‘hard’ what I mean is that I’ve got all these story ideas and all of these characters screaming at me in my head to get their stories written, so I have a hard time sticking to one story at a time. I’ve noticed that when I try too hard to stick to one story at a time, say for one week I force myself to focus on one story, I don’t want to write anything for days after that.

So, I’ve been giving into my little ideas and...

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Audiobooks & Cover Release Love CoverI released my book cover for Love on

Love Cover

I released my book cover for Love on tiktok last week! Totally on a whim, I didn’t want to release it until the book was available on Amazon and Goodreads, but I couldn’t wait. I’ve been so excited to show you all this book collection, and once the first one is available on Amazon and Goodreads, I will also be releasing the covers and release dates for the following three books on each of those platforms plus my website. Well, maybe not all three of the others. But definitely the...

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Whether you have questions about my work, insights into digital privacy or cybersecurity, suggestions for articles or artists I should cover in an interview, or maybe you just want to share your thoughts, send me a message. I'd love to hear from you!