Book Covers Coming Soon
I have sent out copies to beta readers for my next book! I’ve already got one beta readers that has finished and filled out my questionnaire, and things are moving along super nicely. My beta readers should be done soon, at least within the next 30 days, so I will be on track for completing all edits by the end of November.
Currently, in the middle of a line edit on this book, and unfortunately, that is having a negative effect on my other writings. I’m even behind on my Medium and LinkedIn accounts, as I’ve been trying to keep a schedule of updating every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However, due to this book, I slacked on Friday and today. Hoping to get back on track this week, and I plan to post an article on each account by the end of the night.
Every author goes through this, and I went through it with my first book, too. Every author hits a point where they have done so much editing and revising that it hurts to even look at a text document; everything just turns into blurry gibberish on the screen. That’s where I’m at right now. I needed to get away from typing so much yesterday that I forgot to create this blog post, and I only just remembered tonight.
You all should see my book covers! A couple of them are still in revision, but I got my book cover artist started on all four book covers for my upcoming collection. I wanted to make sure that they all came in at the same time, not just for my own sake, but also because I wanted to make sure that they are all similar enough in font and layout that it is obvious they are part of the same collection, even though it is not a series.
The covers for book 1 and book 2 are both complete, and I will be doing book cover reveals for each book as they come. Book 1’s book cover will be revealed once I get that book on goodreads and Amazon, via IngramSpark. I’ll reveal it on my Instagram, Tiktok, and both blogs once I can!
Reading Recommendations
I don’t have any new reading recommendations at this time, but I did just finish rereading my favorite dark romance series again, and I will always recommend that: Filthy Wicked Psychos by Eva Ashwood.
I haven’t done much reading this past week, as I’ve really been focused on editing my next book and writing the following book after that, of which the release date for book 2 will be June 6th. That date shouldn’t change, but I will let you know if it does in the future.
My Current Read
Currently reading Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn, however I haven’t done much reading this week, as I mentioned. I’m going to read more this week, and I’ll be adding reading time to my schedule so that I can relax during that time.
I did shut down my Kindle Unlimited subscription again, as I haven’t been reading enough this past month to justify continuing. I realized, fi I’m not reading at least books per month, it isn’t doing anything for me. The average cost of an ebook from an indie author is $2 to $3, and if I’m not reading at least four books per month, it isn’t worth the money. Aside from that, if I like the book enough, I’ll buy a physical copy of it anyway.
Recent Finds Unrelated to Reading
This isn’t exactly unrelated to reading or writing, but it is unrelated to my writing. I won’t name names, but if you want to know who I’m talking about, you can check out my Tiktok account. You may already know who I’m talking about with my next comment.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I will never pay someone else to read or review my book. Do not reach out to me and tell me you want to support indie authors and then ask me for money to read my book. If you really want to support indie authors, you would just do it. Just do it, follow Nike’s advice. You don’t need anything in return; what you receive in return is the book, the entertainment of the book itself (or maybe lack-thereof entertainment, depending on your view of said book).
Recent Movies & TV Shows
Margaux is a movie I really enjoyed recently. I don’t really like slasher movies very much, but I can’t consider this a slasher movie. As someone who really loves technology and knows a lot about how advanced artificial intelligence is getting, this type of thing is absolutely possible somewhere down the line.
For example, there was recently a debate between Shield AI and Anduril about whether or not autonomous AI weapons should be able to make life and death decisions.
I have an idea and characters laid out for a book that takes place 300 years in the future. Everything that happens in my book regarding AI androids is beginning already to be our possible future.