July 8, 2024
An Almost Perfect Picture

A Brief Introduction

I'm so pleased to be able to say that my portfolio is almost completed! I've been working on taking my freelance writing career further; I'd like to be able to focus whole-heartedly on writing for the rest of my days and put my soul into everything I write, as I have always done.
I also have a photoshoot scheduled for some custom and fun headshots to showcase myself as a person--you'll get to see who you're working with.
I recently found a very old piece of my writing from eighteen years ago, and wow, has my writing improved. I wouldn't say that my writing was terrible, and my ideas surely flowed, giving my imagination a wild ride, but my writing style was... cringey, to say the least. I'm glad to know that I was smart enough back then to not publish my own works at the time. My plan is to actually improve on some of my old work and someday publish my insane ideas.

Book Recommendations

Kara Ren has recently published her first book, and I'd like to recommend her this bi-week. Her book is called Wren's Attendant, and it's about a private flight attendant who learns much more about her employer than she intended after an attack on another flight. Kyra dives in deep with Killian Wren and his crew. Themes are dark and tropes include mafia-vibes, kidnapping, touch her and die, and some minor stalking. A fun read if you're looking for something new, dark, and some witty banter from both sides.
You can also find Kara on Wattpad where she writes fanfiction. Her handle is DameKaraRen on Tiktok, Wattpad, and her website.

My Current Read

I still have not completed my previous reads, but I am going to shortly. However, I did add another book to my list of current reads: Fighting for Evie by Taylor Delvaux. I've actually read this book before, and as much as it isn't my kind of writing style that I typically enjoy reading, I love the MMCs enough that I wanted to reread the book. The plot is somewhat predictable, but it's an enjoyable read.

Recent TV Shows & Movies

This isn't exactly a recent find, as I saw this movie in theaters, but I recently rewatched The BeeKeeper with Jason Statham. He is one of my favorite actors of all time; the more action, the better. The BeeKeeper is certainly the most action-packed Jason Statham movie I have seen up to now, and the ways that people die in this movie is so unique and absolutely hilarious at times. The theater was laughing with me when I watched it for the first time.